Wir sind mittlerweile in Doha angekommen…was heisst mittlerweile, eigentlich sitzen wir bereits seit ein paar Stunden hier. Haben schon Buffet in der Lounge genossen (leckerschmecker Garnelen und Co) und das… Weiterlesen
Schlagwort: Flughafen
amsterdam schiphol
we arrived at amsterdam today and are hanging out here now for hours. we all have been way too tired to drive into the citycenter and furtherrmore it’s definitley too… Weiterlesen
at the singapore airport again
gerhard, bini & me are at the singapore airport again (ilse had to leave a week earlier) and have to wait for our flight to frankfurt. after nearly 3 weeks of… Weiterlesen
at the singapore airport
now, we are waiting for our flight to manado and sassi is very very happy about the free internet access. :) well, we just spent one night here and we… Weiterlesen