In Truk (Mikronesien) gab Sabrina Ihren „Underwaterstrip“ in einer Neuauflage von Cuba zum Besten (ihr alter Clip hat ja bereits 162.000 „Clicks“). Die Idee ist: Ziehe Deine ganze Tauchausrüstung während des Sicherheitsstops… Weiterlesen
Kategorie: Mikronesien
Bilder: Sabrina und Gerhard in Yap 2010
Unsere Reise führte uns von Malaspascua über Cebu, Manila, Palau und Guam nach Yap. Liebe Leser wir waren eine Woche in Yap – und wir sahen keinen Manta, nicht einen… Weiterlesen
Chuuk – day five
Today we hardly did anything. Yesterday we met a bunch of english wreckdivers and the night turned to be very long and we had some beers. There were also some… Weiterlesen
The flight from Yap to Chuuk and the first day in Chuuk
First we went from Yap to Guam. I had to fill out U.S. immigration forms for each of us and when we arrived in Guam the waiting started. First passport… Weiterlesen
Yap – the first day
Today we arrived in Yap at around 4am. After a short sleep for something like 3 or 4 hours, we had a little breakfast. That was totally different to the… Weiterlesen